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No. 122 (2022)

The contribution of management to the definition of the strategy of health government decentralization: The case of the Tunisian healthcare system

settembre 19, 2022


Decentralization in healthcare has long been considered one of the main tools for advancing healthcare systems and
responding to the need for equity in access to care.
The doctrine has identified in this transfer of decision-making power “from a few to many” the premise of the enhancement of the role of management, in this case, maximized in responding to users.
For this reason, in the definition of a strategy of decentralization become central the involvement of the management in order to define preventively its possible
Objective of the present work is, the analysis of the contribution of the management in the definition of a strategy of decentralization of the NHS.
The article examines the case of the Republic of Tunisia as a significant example of a low-middle income country.


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