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No. 53 (2021)

Analytical Psychology at the time of Covid-19: A threesome chat

aprile 28, 2020


The paper is the outcome of a series of video-calls between friends, colleagues, analysts. The authors felt the need to leave a mark of the feelings that in this emergency situation (i.e Covid-19) inhabits the analysis’ rooms. Emotions of fear, sadness, anxiety, disbelief, confusion are weaved through exchange and dialogue; to the extent that places analyst and patient in a shared and intimate status, almost as if they wanted to fill the physical distance that is instead imposed. What are the analysts’ responsibilities? Act as a container for the pervasive and nameless anxieties of the situation; allow patients to explore their internal world in a safe, warming and new context such as the online therapy. Moving around the three different points of view and the theoretical reference models, the article raises questions about online therapies in response to the current health emergency and about how this period could become an engine for reflection and change; finally, it opens up to a wider reflection on how Analytical Psychology can serve the community.


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