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No. 53 (2021)

A mysterious orchestra. Notes on the sub-symbolic communications and their representability in the transference field

maggio 29, 2021


The article aims at enhancing the clinical usefulness of the bodily dimension in the session, and the coherence of this analytical attitude with some epistemological intuitions of Jung and Bion. The psyche will be considered as a complex mind/body unity, endowed with many levels of functioning (subsystems) that can be grouped into three large areas: bodily, affective, and thought. Each of these areas expresses itself with a different language and only the work of synchronic integration of the subsystems creates the feeling of possessing a cohesive Self. The analytic session can therefore be seen as an encounter between two mutually activating systems, which creates a multidimensional transference field. There are no hidden meanings that the patient would unconsciously try to conceal, but just non-integrated levels of experience. The article ends with a clinical vignette, showing a process of parallel and synchronic integration of sub-symbolic elements, a process that involves both analyst and patient. This integration broadens the relational and self-knowledge perspectives of both subjects.


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