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Notes and discussions

No. 300 (2022): Italia Contemporanea - open access section

The pension system within the framework of the Italian welfare. An overview of recent studies

  • Michele Santoro
novembre 30, 2022


The study of the pension system represents a prominent theme for understanding the Italian Welfare State, but it is still a prerogative of the Social Sciences rather than that of historians. This overview aims to illustrate some of the most significant Welfare studies — between History and Social Sciences — drawing on international literature as well. It considers the approaches, methodologies and open problems presented by those analyses. Finally, it attempts to synthesise the various perspectives and directions addressed by the Italian historiography on pensions and welfare.


  1. Agnoletto Stefano, Fonio Chiara (2013), Surveillance, Repression and the Welfare State: Aspects of Continuity and Discontinuity in post-Fascist Italy, “Surveillance and Society”, n. 11, pp. 74-86. DOI: 10.24908/ss.v11i1/2.4449
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