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Studies and research

No. 300 (2022): Italia Contemporanea - open access section

From revolution to liberation. Feminist consciousness raising and sexuality in the 1970s

  • Virginia Niri
novembre 30, 2022


The paper proposes a look at the “sexual revolution” (Italy, 1960s and 1970s) in the interpretative framework of emotional history, with a wide use of oral history. Through the analysis of unpublished oral sources and the counterpoint of the agony aunt column of women’s magazines, the Author questions the contribution of the feminist method of consciousness raising in the reception and modification of the inputs of the so-called sexual revolution. Taking into consideration the Italian context of the “long 1968”, the Author analyzes how the new models of an apparently freer sexuality were incorporated and modified within the emotional counter-community created by consciousness raising feminism, in the direction of what will be later defined “sexual liberation”. Furthermore, the Author questions the openings and limits that this approach has entailed.


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