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Notes and discussions

No. 296 (2021): Italia Contemporanea - Sezione Open Access "In rete"

“Se un giorno tornasse quell’ora”. The new left between anti-fascist legacy and third worldism

  • Andrea Brazzoduro
luglio 28, 2021


This contribution proposes a new study of the genealogy of the New Left in Western Europe from the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s. Differently from current interpretations, the article reassesses the historical influence of the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962), and “Third-Worldism” more generally, in the genealogy of the new political cultures that flourished during the global 1960s. A generation of activists re-appropriated the narrative of the Resistance as not merely defensive but proactive, merging the myth of the “betrayed Resistance” with the image of imperialism as the “new fascism”. The European civil war, identified by Enzo Traverso as the main feature of the first half of the 20th century, was hence reconfigured anew worldwide as a “global civil war”.


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