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No. 1 (2022)

The caring team: Educational responsibility and institutional responsibility (Franco Fasolo Days 23/24 September 2022)

giugno 12, 2024


The health crisis due to the Covid pandemic has been recognised as the emergence of a profound systemic crisis, making it more evident than ever before how necessary it is today to think of a reconstruction of care practices around the suffering person and his relational and community world. This theme has been much debated in the COIRAG Community through the activation of the Interest Groups, which have been able to draw on the experiences of members, their skills and theoretical and technical references, testifying to a psychoanalytic vision of the Institutions, the Community and the Polis, the place where the individual – also a system – with all its family and social ties is placed.


  1. Kaës R. (2018). “Di quali risorse dispone la psicoanalisi di fronte al malessere contemporaneo”. Lectio Magistralis presso SIPRE. Gennaio 2018.
  2. Profita G., a cura di (2022). Intervista ad Antonino Aprea. Plexus, semestrale scientifico on-line, vol. 15, 1-2. Giugno/novembre.


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