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No. 1 (2021)

Clinic in the third sector: Home intervention with adolescents

febbraio 22, 2022


The paper examines the characteristics of clinical work done outside the consulting room at home with adolescents. According to the group-analytic perspective, the contribution intends to highlight the complexity of the intervention by grasping its multiple psychosocial levels. The two clinical cases are described both through the two dreams of the adolescents and through the clinical gaze of the two therapists.
During the work, in fact, the therapists shared both professional and personal experiences, possibly related to their professional role in a social work environment. This sharing was subsequently made also in other group contexts, to broaden the resonances and associations about clinical activity with adolescents. That is, the therapists have built associations with some other colleagues both in a small group on the Third Sector and in the median-institutional group of the Observatory. The text, therefore, allows both different possible readings, and the possibility of broadening the thinkability of the object of reflection, which is the group. Through a double observation point, this reflection is addressed, therefore, both to the group of adolescents and to that of professionals who work in these contexts.


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