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Contributi originali

No. 1 (2021)

Chat-Based Group Psychotherapy: The beginning of our experience in the cyberspace

ottobre 16, 2021


The present article aims to present and reflect upon the experience of the transition from live (in-person) group psychotherapy to online chat-based group psychotherapy.
This shift was made owing to the global pandemic arising from the diffusion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The state of emergency has obliged mental health professionals to adapt their working means so as to ensure continuity of their psychotherapy practice. The transition to this telecommunication-based modality entailed the need to assess which actions were to be taken in order to restructure online group psychotherapy. To this end, it proved useful to define new rules of the setting and to make changes to the manner in which group psychotherapy was conducted.
The reflections presented in this article do not claim to be exhaustive, but rather intend to open a discussion about the difficulties and the possibilities offered by chat-based group psychotherapy.


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