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No. 2 (2020)

The working group and the communication of the diagnosis. Reflections starting from the reading of the book “The Genetic Diagnosis: A Dialogue for Treatment. Clinical Stories in the Trees of Life”

settembre 22, 2021


The team can function as a “foundational” clinical group, in which ideas, evaluations and reflections circulate, in order to arrive at the formulation of a shared thought, metabolized and understandable also by the patient. Diagnosis is a construction and a dialogue, which must include all the parties and continue following the developments of the other. In the Tree Test there is the patient’s person, his roots and his fruits, in the paths of the syndromic gene. These drawings are one of the parts of the Integrated Genetic Counseling (CGI) model devised by the multidisciplinary team formed by neurologists, biologists, geneticists, who work with psychiatrists and psychologists, at the Diagnosis and Treatment Service of the IRCCS “Carlo Besta” in Milan.  The experience of the CGI model is an exemplary working model, an expression of the power of the working group generated by the team and of the groups that inhabit the patient and the clinicians’ room. The tool of the consultation group performs the function of a living plural dynamic container of the anxieties of impotence and uselessness that genetic diseases arouse in the caregivers, who do not possess effective treatments. The work developed by this team shows how the group approach allows to avoid the burn out of specialists, but also to work with greater depth, scientific and human depth.


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