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No. 2 (2020)

The effects of the present

settembre 22, 2021


The present article is the result of the work of a group of colleagues, gathered by Maria Gabriela Sbiglio. The group goal was to reflect about pandemia effects in the contemporary clinical work. The frame was Puget’s work and theorization as it is formulated in her presentations in the last international congress and seminars in the after pandemic period of time. The authors emphasize how a new history and new meanings are created by the situation of the encounter with the “otherness”. The differences presented in the “here and now” that generate “tensions” and “boundaries”, create a new unconscious with parallel dimension and logic. Differences coexist as “parallel worlds” and it is not always possible to harmonize them, but they produce openings and changes in the state of mind of the analyst and in the unconscious creating a new history from “doing with the other” or “doing together”. The group process fostered a personal and individual appropriation of Puget concepts by the members of the group integrating the content of the Puget’s interview made by Gruppi Journal in 2019 and here published.


  1. Berenstein I. e Puget J. (1997). Lo vincular. Buenos Aires: Paidos.
  2. Bion W.R. (1962). Apprendere dall’esperienza. Roma: Armando, 1972.
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  4. Puget J. (2005). El trauma, los traumas y las temporalidades. Psicoanálisis, 27, 1-2: 293-310. Testo disponibile al sito:
  5. Puget J. (2006). The Use of the Past and the Present in the Clinical Setting, Past and Presents. International Journal o Psychoanalysis, 87, 6: 1691-707. DOI: 10.1516/4BTA-UG52-5WUV-NRHW.
  6. Puget J. (2010). The Subjectivity of Certainty and the Subjectivity of Uncertainty. Psychoanalytical Dialogues, 20, 1: 4-20. DOI: 10.1080/10481881003603883.
  7. Puget J. (2015). Come pensare la soggettività sociale oggi? Interazioni, 2: 59-71. DOI: 10.3280/INT2015-002005.
  8. Puget J. e Wender L. (1982). Analista y Paciente en Mundos Superpuestos. Revista de APdeBA, IV, 3: 502-532.
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