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Contributi originali

No. 1 (2020)

Groups and migrations

ottobre 5, 2020


The encounter with the foreigner brings with it the knowledge of new aspects, but also feelings of anxiety. The migratory experience leads to welcome within itself contradictions, conflicts and ambivalences, sometimes suffering and trauma. These are individual and collective processes that act both on conscious and unconscious levels. When the meeting takes place during a period of context crisis, the external variables will have a greater influence on the quality of relationships in the external world and on the integrity of the subjects ’identity. These interactions can cause strong and dangerous conflicts. The author tries to indicate some paths of thought useful to cross these areas of existence, through reference to some basic concepts from psychodynamic group theory. Some considerations aim at exploring the experience of reception centers for asylum seekers and refugees. The author finally suggests how a group-oriented way of thinking can be effective in facing the challenges of contemporary crisis and positively interacting with the changes resulting from the influence of migratory flows.


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