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2/2024 - Call for paper


The second issue of 2024 is dedicated to transformative and sustainable processes in Higher Education in the development of orientation processes between School-University and the World of Work. In modern society, the process of socialization and career trajectories of the individual are increasingly characterized by irregularity, interruption and change. Therefore, managing one's educational and professional history means, for the individual, learning to govern possible changes in roles and responsibilities arising not always in a predictable way. One needs to build or reorganize in itinere a satisfactory educational/professional project that can give continuity and meaning to one's personal and social identity.

The contributions presented should respond to the current challenges of global society for qualification in university education and strategic development between School and Labor World. The needs emerging from the contexts of education and the challenges related to the educational reorganization in a learner-centered perspective, urge scholars to develop research and actions aimed at finding new solution for both the education and labor systems. We are urged to implement and develop soft and life skills so as to form active and responsible citizens, able to design and re-design themselves in an autonomous and conscious way.  This way, career orientation becomes a tool and strategy for exercising citizenship, integration and social cohesion in line with the growing interest in the issues of well-being, balance between life spheres and social responsibility.

It is not always possible to guarantee everyone publication in the issue related to the call in which they participated - even with positive refereeing. Contributions that do not accede to immediate publication, with the consent of the authors will become part of the Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching (EILT) archive and will be published in subsequent issues. Those who wish to withdraw their contributions, please notify the Editorial Office in a timely manner.