The paper presents the outcomes of a collaborative evaluation research conducted with a predominantly ethnographic method (Piasere, 2002) at the cooperative and social enterprise Proforma, which provides education services in the Mugello area. The fieldwork, from March 2022 to September 2024, was guided by the purpose of reflecting and re-reading Proforma’s practices and culture from a sustainability perspective. The collected qualitative data were processed through deductive content analysis (Bryman, 2012), using analysis categories, which are based on a framework, also empirically constructed, of knowledge, skills, behaviors and practices acted upon by Third Sector organizations to foster social transformation (Mugnaini, in press). The framework has been used as a participatory self-evaluation and evaluation device for measuring the impact generated by the Proforma cooperative in terms of sustainability in the target community.
The application of the device allowed for the definition of three keypoints that are useful for critically re-interpreting Proforma’s practices, enabling the elucidation of 1) an organizational culture that incorporates sustainability values, and 2) facilitates the mobilization of competences that 3) underpin actions that help shape a sustainable community.
The discussion focuses on the transformative value of the research in terms of professional development of those involved which have acquired sustainability competences. Proforma’s overall cooperative approach has been strengthened in coherence with its generative elements, vision and guiding values.
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