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No. 1 (2024)

Counteracting the normalization of dissident identities: Pedagogical reflections emerging from neuroqueerness

agosto 5, 2024


The aim of the paper is to explore the past and the present of education and care practices in order to highlight some issues related to violent educational habits aimed at normalizing the identities and bodies of those who deviate from statistical normality and from what is considered acceptable or appropriate in a given context. The focus is on the history and experiences of neurodivergent people and queer people, two marginalized social groups, and on the historical and conceptual intersection of violent re-educational practices that both groups have been subjected to, both separately and in their intersection (neuroqueer identities).

Even though the aim to normalize and shape according to certain standards – which often results in more or less explicitly violent practices that can be framed within the so-called “Black Pedagogy” – applies to many other categories of people as well, the analysis on neurodivergent and queer experiences serves as an emblematic example intended to activate reflection and deep questioning on the purposes of pedagogy and of care and education practices, while also highlighting and problematizing issues of power in the field.


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