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Sezione III - L'attualità di Paulo Freire oggi

No. 1 (2022)

Analyzing craft practices through Freirian principles. Some educational reflections on ongoing research

aprile 27, 2022


The article analyzes the relationship between some Freirian pedagogical principles and craft practices, in particular those related to creating companionships with Brazil through ongoing PhD research. The goal is to verify how these principles make it possible to reveal an actuality of Freire that calls into question a perspective capable of redefining the relationship between work, creativity, and innovation in a generative key.

While re-reading Freire today, it is possible to verify how the coordinates that characterized and connoted his pedagogy – reflection in action, the idea that man is perpetually under construction and acts through the mediation of the world, the competence as capital private/social – provide a way to reflect and analyze craft practices and the transformation of current production systems.


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