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Sezione II - Il metodo freiriano: temi ed esperienze in America Latina

No. 1 (2022)

Paulo Freire and the social movements of Latin America: Emergencies, resonances and projects

febbraio 8, 2022


This text is a transcription of the author’s presentation at the International Congress “Doing Education. La actualidad de Paulo Freire a cien años de sus nacimiento (1921-2021)”, held in May 2021 at the University of Siena. In it, the generational and political context of the emergence and development of Paulo Freire’s thought is reviewed, as well as what it has become in the proposals of Latin American social movements and of the critical and popular pedagogy that has been deployed globally from the inspiration and permanent resignification of Freire’s legacy.


  1. Benjamin, W. (2021). Tesis sobre el Concepto de Historia y Otros Ensayos sobre Historia y Política. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
  2. Fals Borda, O. (1979-1986). Historia Doble de la Costa. 4 volúmenes, Bogotá: El Áncora Editores.
  3. Freire, P. (2008). A la Sombra de un Árbol. Madrid: El Roure Editorial.
  4. Freire, P. (2015a). Pedagogía del Oprimido. México DF: Siglo XXI Editores.
  5. Freire, P. (2015b). Pedagogía de la Esperanza. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores.
  6. Fromm, E. (2015). El Corazón del Hombre. México DF: FCE.
  7. Mate, R. (2009). Medianoche en la Historia. Comentarios a las Tesis de Walter Benjamin “Sobre el Concepto de Historia”. Madrid: Trotta.


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