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Pratiche didattiche inclusive. Metodi, tecniche, strumenti di intervento

No. 2-Special (2021): Didattica speciale e trasformazioni organizzative. Ricerche in corso

Empirical research on support teachers’ perceptions of inclusive education: A systematic review

novembre 18, 2021


This paper provides the first results of an ongoing systematic review that is part of a larger study that investigates how and under what conditions support teachers’ perceptions of professional self-efficacy change after participating in a specialization course on support. The investigation is part of a stream of international studies that considers relevant to investigate support teachers’ perceptions, representations, and attitudes toward inclusion as conditions that may or may not facilitate school inclusion (examples include but are not limited to: Aiello et al., 2019; Forlin, Earle, Loreman, & Sharma, 2011; Sharma, Loreman & Forlin, 2012; Sharma, Aiello, Pace, Round, & Subban, 2018). A systematic review intercepting national and international empirical studies investigating teachers’ attitudes, perceptions, and representations towards inclusion was conducted. Here is described the process used for the review and are presented the results of the first step of analysis of 99 national and international empirical articles. 


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