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No. 1 (2021)

Towards the creation of professional identity: A self-assessment route for students of the Degree Course in Infant and Social Education of the University of Catania (L-19)

marzo 23, 2021


The internship experience represents for the students of the Degree Course L-19 an opportunity to strengthen their professional identity. In particular, it allows students to learn how to manage the dynamics of educational work with awareness and agency. Internship provides also the opportunity for the self-assessment of the knowledge acquired during their university studies and it is able to create a connection between university and workplaces. However, this experience, although fundamental, is not always able to assist students in the construction of their professional identity.

The Degree course L-19 of the University of Catania, partner in the project POT “SUPER”, has created a learning course for students to promote a self-evaluation process of the skills acquired during their internship. The researchers of the project organized a self-assessment path for the students, aimed at describing the experiences and identifying their own competences and knowledge useful in the strengthen of their professional identities. This paper analyses the learning pathway, which was experimented on a target group of students, and the first results achieved.


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