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Special Issue 31st Annual Conference of the Società Italiana di Economia Agro-alimentare (SIEA – Italian Association of Agri-Food Economics), Venice (Italy), June 15-16, 2023

Vol. 26 No. 3 (2024)

Digital channels and green transition: Consumer behaviour as for organic food e-commerce platforms

marzo 25, 2024


This paper investigates how some factors affect the willingness to buy organic food on e-commerce platforms. Data have been collected using a web-based survey with 490 respondents. A factor analysis was used to analyze data and later to consider them in a Poisson Count Regression Model. The findings show that well-educated and high-income women are more willing to purchase organic food on e-commerce platforms than others.
Moreover, other drivers, such as food quality attributes and people’s attitudes towards green consumption and digital channels, affect people’s willingness to buy organic food online. These results should be useful for experts dealing with organic food. Marketing campaigns should consider all the drivers affecting people’s willingness to purchase organic food online to target the market by designing communication content susceptible to generating the greatest appeal.


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