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Vol. 26 No. 1 (2024)

Unearthing Unique Value: Exploring the Potential of Protected Designation of Origin on the Tangerine Industry of Patate, Tungurahua

giugno 28, 2023


The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of the Tangerine of Patate (Citrus x clementina) to obtain a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). The study emphasizes the crucial role of local climatic conditions, unique soil characteristics, and traditional cultivation techniques in determining the fruit’s organoleptic properties. The methodology consists of applying two stages of the virtuous circle proposed by Vandecandelaere: (1) Identification and (2) Proposal of Qualification. Information on cultural practices and post-harvest techniques was gathered through surveys. Qualitative data from surveys were processed using the MAXQDA software. Tangerine and other samples were analyzed with normalized physicochemical analyses in the lab. The first data were compared with samples from two different cantons to validate the intrinsic value of Patate’s tangerine. Results demonstrate that the tangerine exhibits differentiated characteristics in terms of aroma, color, and flavor, as well as a traditional inherited practice that is part of the attributes supporting its potential DO status. It is concluded that the mandarin meets the requirements to obtain a Protected Designation of Origin based on specific conditions of production and harvest, as well as is a potential economic aspect to consider increasing farmers’ incomes.


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