This article aims to understand the importance of having a stadium owned by a football club as an added value if it is designed and managed from a socially responsible perspective in a context, that of Italian sport, which is still far from European standards in terms of infrastructure. The approach adopted focuses on the AlbinoLeffe Campus, serving as an example of how the ownership of a sports facility can shape and reflect socially responsible policies and practices adopted by a football club. The study examines the distinctive characteristics of the stadium considering the logistical, infrastructural, and environmental aspects underpinning its construction to act as a strategic lever to implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, a prerogative of club ownership. Some important managerial implications emerge from the analysis: 1) the need for a sustainable management approach for the stadium considering logistical, infrastructural, and environmental aspects; 2) the implementation of CSR strategies aligned with the company and the stadium’s characteristics.