Esperienze professionali (cfr. anche il profilo Linkedin): Gennaio 2011- Presente: Reward Rules Manager di Eni spa Luglio 2018 - Dicembre 2010 Corporate Governance System and Rules Manager di Eni Spa Dicembre 1996- Giugno 2008 In-House Lawyer di IntesaSanpaolo Spa Formazione Luglio 2011 - Abilitazione allo svolgimento della professione di Avvocato presso la Corte di Appello di Firenze Dicembre 1993 - Laurea in Giurisprudenza presso l'Università degli Studi di Pisa (110/110 e lode - Relatore Prof. Umberto Breccia)
Our work focuses on the analysis of the impacts deriving from the introduction of the legislation on say on pay, on the governance of Italian listed companies, through the examination of the remuneration reports published in 2012 and 2019 by a sample of leading FTSE MIB companies. Seven years after the introduction of such legislation, it seemed useful to highlight, albeit on a purely illustrative level, the evolution of the approach adopted in designing remuneration policies and disclosing them to the market, in addition to managing relations with shareholders on executive remuneration issues, without neglecting the role assumed by the remuneration committees. This with the aim of outlining the steps taken and the way still to go in view of the implementation of the measures envisaged by Directive (EU) 828/2017, which will entail significant changes to the processes for defining and approving the remuneration policies for the directors of the listed companies.
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