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No. 1 (2019): Special Issue "Best practice and future trends in Corporate Governance"

Do we need boards at all?”: perspectives of artificial intelligence on boards of directors

settembre 12, 2019


This work focuses on potential developments for Corporate Governance, resulting from the integration of artificial intelligence into the board of directors.

Digital transformation is affecting the corporate organization and its cultural framework: the potential change in the current regulatory frameworks is such that Corporate Governance and the role of boards of directors as we know them today are facing an adaptation challenge.

This work recognises that much of the administrative work (where a more “human” dose of judgment is not needed) could be carried out by intelligent machines in the near future. However, it will be argued that new possibilities in human-machine interaction within boards of directors are foreseeable, and will propose three potential research lines for the future, regarding: the use of artificial intelligence in the appointment of board members, the integration of algorithms in the board and perspectives on responsibility.


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