In insolvency proceedings the liability of the governance bodies, has often been victim of attempts that have tried to confine it within narrow boundaries of strict liability. The paper proposes a rationalization of the frequent and different reinterpretation (vexata quaestio) with the help of business sciences.
In this sense, causality and damage measurement are reread with the lens of managerial theories and mainly the creation of value theory. The goal is to achieve a more objective assessment as a balance between excessively guaranteeing trends and inappropriately deterministic approaches. The overcoming of this determinism is perfected with the proposal of a new method of estimating the damage, supported on the decremental logic of the measurement of destroyed value. In the current context of reform of the law of the crisis, especially in light of the duty of early acting in accordance with the provisions of the new art. 2086 of the Italian Civil Code, a precise assessment of each management act cannot be ignored, in the specific context of the company in which it is carried out, thus overcoming an approach that would remain dangerously generalist.