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No. 1 (2021)

Sustainable innovation and digital platforms for cultural heritage: The Clickproject case

ottobre 21, 2020


This work aims to contribute to research on cultural heritage sustainability, investigating the practices, interactions and processes that the implementation of digital platforms can enhance. In so doing, platforms ability in shaping a sustainable ecosystem has been highlighted, describing the interactions occurring between different actors to create shared value, inspired by the principles of sustainable development. The work has been intended to better understand the role that technological innovation, and in particular digital platforms, plays in boosting a sustainable and circular approach to cultural heritage management. To this end, a specific case study analysis, related to a transdisciplinary platform aimed at testing, implementing and sharing new sustainable models of financing, business and governance to be applied to the cultural heritage sector, has been conducted. Even though the case study analysis highlighted the possible contribution that digital platforms can give to the sustainability of cultural heritage, this topic needs for further research also based on the implementation of quantitative methods.


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