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No. 2 (2020)

Entrepreneurship profit socialization: From open innovation to social open innovation

ottobre 21, 2020


Despite the abundance of social innovation studies, the focus is often on non-profit organizations whose main purpose is to achieve social change, while the involvement of external actors in the development of social innovation is still neglected in literature.
Hence, the main goal is to extend the understanding of social innovation and to contribute to the conceptualization and studies of open social innovation.
Regarding that, the open social innovation matter is studied through a conceptual framework, which involves a review of the literature on models of social innovation and open innovation.
The paper content outlines the open aspect of social innovation, highlighting the actors and processes involved in the generation and dissemination of ideas capable of facing social change.
The study is based on a literature review without empirical analysis. Case studies or quantitative approaches could represent interesting ways for further research.
Finally, the work focuses on social innovation produced by profit enterprises in a context of collaboration with different stakeholders, characterizing an evolution of traditional business models towards a “hybrid” model.


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