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No. 2 (2020)

Business platform ecosystem: A new organizational model for sustainable innovation

ottobre 20, 2020


Despite the growing interest that has emerged in the literature towards sustainable innovation, the attention paid to sustainable business models is relatively new.
This work constitutes the first step in this direction. A sustainable business model is the result of technological and organizational synergies oriented towards new ways of creating and distributing value.
Therefore, an emerging business model – the business platform ecosystem – is analyzed which is able to link together the needs of the several socio-economic actors and the communities involved in fostering sustainability. In this direction, the paper investigates conditions under which a business platform ecosystem evolves into a sustainable business platform ecosystem, highlighting the fundamental role
played by the platform sponsor and the algorithm, the tool used by the latter. The proposed framework can be used as a guide in the implementation of innovative hybrid and sustainable strategies.


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