The paper investigates the impact of digital technologies on the labour by designing a qualitative model based on the concept of institutional sustainability; the latter is meant as a circuit in which the institutional frame allows the deployment of individual freedoms and skills, and the promotion of greater equity and inclusion allows to seize the opportunities available. More specifically, the analysis focuses on the impact of digitalization on Objective 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals developed for the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Relying on the qualitative analysis of the existing literature, despite the need of further investigations, we conclude that digitalization has a negative impact on employment in the short run if evaluated in terms of institutional sustainability, in particular for low and medium-level skill of routine nature. As a consequence, policies of empowerment and digital re-skilling of human capital are necessary, even at company level, to avoid the phenomenon of digital exclusion (i.e. e-exclusion).
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