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N. 2 (2024)

Private equity in football: How the arrival of funds has impacted the industry

7 dicembre 2023


This paper investigates the role of private equity investments in professional football clubs, a phenomenon that has been growing in recent years.

The results of the work conducted confirm the impact of private equity not only in terms football clubs financial results, but also as a force for change on the entire industry. The qualitative analysis conducted makes it possible to identify the criteria by which ideal target companies are identified. The quantitative analysis introduces an original calculation formula to determine the value of a football club. Its application is shown on a sample of football clubs.

The study is of particular relevance because it offers insights into the effectiveness of the private equity channel in stimulating investment in professional football. Indeed, fostering an understanding of the effects of such investment is key to encouraging changes that maximize the benefits of private equity players' entry and mitigate the potential risks.

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