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No. 2 (2021)

Environmental Dynamism, Digital Expertise of The Board, And Strategic Change Of The Firms. The Integration Between Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Resource Dependence Theory

luglio 30, 2021


Starting from the consideration that strategic change represents a key issue in the fields of management and strategy, the study aims to investigate the strategic decisions of firms operating in contexts characterized by high levels of dynamism. Furthermore, the introduction of the variable that measures the digital expertise of the board encourages the evaluation of the impact on the method (mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, and joint ventures) and on the scope (diversification and internationalization) of strategic change. The results demonstrate the association not only between greater environmental dynamism and strategic change of the firms, but also between the digital expertise of the board and the same strategic change. The theoretical and practical implications are drawn to appreciate the role of the board in directing the strategic change, and to understand why firms decide to orchestrate their own set of dynamic capabilities to be aligned with the new external environment.


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