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Sicurezza e scienze sociali

About the Journal

The Review Sicurezza e scienze sociali intends to promote a critical and current analysis on the deviance processes and its numerous implications, the forms of the crime- organized and non-, victims of crimes and the social injustice, the social effects of the Justice and the safety of the community. The primary focus is that, in the globalization era, all those issues assume, inevitably, new complexity; it’s necessary, therefore, face them from a compared point of view. It’s necessary understand how the consequences of those trends affect multiple- and different- fields: for this reason it’s impossible to prescind from the international point of view, together with the national one, in all the researches and reflections. If the past the major attention was focused on the risk factors analysis, nowadays it is fundamental to focus on what we define "vulnerability factors", elements that allowed perspective changes and produce a honest and deeper interpretation of the trends we intent to analyse. The entire society is affected by those trends: not only the individual person and the community but also associations, organizations and institutions that create the society. The outcomes of those processes assume importance and validity both in a cultural and operative terms; for this reason the Review is composed by all the contributions of scholars, researcher and operators interested in criminology, victimology, law and justice, economy and public policies, social psychology and cultural anthropology.