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No. 2 (2022)

The parental perception of emotional-behavioral changes in children with autism spectrum disorder, 4 months after the onset of the pandemic period

giugno 21, 2022


Autism spectrum disorder refers to a neurodevelopment disorder that is characterized by difficulties with social communication and social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns in behaviors, interests, and activities. During the lockdown, when social isolation and distancing become mandatory for everyone, disruption of daily routines (school, therapy, free time) is a risk factor especially for families with a child with autism disorder, because their children may have a freeze in the progress they had painstakingly achieved up to that point. In this study, we monitored 81 families of children with autism disorder, assessed before the onset of the lockdown and approximately 4 months later, to see which childrenʼs behaviors had worsened and which had remained stable or improved. The families were interviewed, in February and July 2020, using standardized rating scales. The results showed an intensification in the children of motor restlessness, difficulty in sleep regulation, while there were no worsening in self-harming or hetero-aggressive behaviors, nor in personal autonomy. It should be considered that all the families involved in the present research were involved in therapeutic paths and did not interrupt the path of psychological support (online), with the specific objective of supporting them in their parental role in the most critical phases experienced by the children, and in making them more active in the processes of consolidation of the competences acquired by the children. 


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