The link between resilience, mental well-being and perceived quality of life is now well known in the literature, and investigating these dimensions during adolescence is fundamental to developing prevention and promotion actions to build the basis for a good mental health in adulthood. This article reports the results of a survey conducted on a sample of 460 students in the Trentino Province, using three scales (READ, WEMWBS and KIDSCREEN-10), as part of a multicentric study conducted by the European project UPRIGHT (Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention Globally Implemented In Schools To Improve And Promote Mental Health For Teenagers) founded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Gender differences are taken into account and a comparison is made with the normative values of the validation samples of the scales.
The questionnaires show that female students report significantly higher levels of social resources than male students, while as far as quality of life is concerned, in line with the literature, male students report higher values.