Call for paper n. 2 2024
In recent years, various events, such as pandemics, climate crises and conflicts, have highlighted the psychological role of community dimensions in promoting people’s well-being from a collective perspective. What has emerged from the public, political and professional debate highlights the need to define and build models of work that are increasingly designed and organized as responsive to the needs of citizens, underscoring the importance of developing conscious and responsible processes of coexistence in a proximity dimension.
In particular, the recent Decree No. 77 of May 23, 2022, provides for the reorganization of social and health services, and the development of Community Homes from a community perspective, as privileged spaces in which to observe and recognize people’s needs for affiliation, social bonding, well-being and fulfillment.
The objectives of Decree 77 are on several levels, which are described as follows (Territorial Care Reform):
- To define a new organizational model of the primary care network capable of identifying uniform structural, technological and organizational standards throughout the country to ensure that citizens and NHS workers comply with the Essential Levels of Care - LEAs.
- Facilitate the identification of intervention priorities with a view to proximity and integration between territorial, hospital and specialist care networks.
- Facilitate continuity of care for those experiencing conditions of chronicity, frailty or disability, which entail the risk of non-self-sufficiency also through integration between social and health services.
- Design a new institutional arrangement for prevention in health and environmental climate.
- Align with the quality of care standards of the best European countries.
The Italian Society of Community Psychology SI.P.CO., thanks to the commitment of its members and the members who represent it, has in recent years positioned itself as an active interlocutor in the realization of actions that favor the implementation of the decree, developing a critical and constructive reflection for the promotion of models of intervention suitable for the construction of community contexts and the development of community well-being. It is increasingly required to read and interpret phenomena in the complexity of the junction between the individual and social levels, recognizing the role of relational processes and social and interinstitutional networks within which knowledge, motivations, attitudes and representations that animate individual and collective behavior are formed. In the living space of citizens, it is possible to create intervention actions and provide innovative responses.
The call aims to gather contributions from researchers, practitioners and scholars from different contexts: dedicated citizen services, health services, the third sector and academia that address and explore the processes of transformation that have affected the national territory, as well as contributions of an international nature that illustrate community-oriented models of intervention.
Contributions that define new challenges and training needs to enhance the specific skills of community psychology in promoting increasingly community-oriented interventions are also welcome. The contributions and experiences collected will be stimulus to enhance generative reflections and examples of practices for the development of interventions in territorial communities.
Articles must follow the editorial standards below:
Deadline: by March 30, 2025.