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A proposito di setting...

No. 50 (2019)

The group at work: Narrative, divergent looks, different settings

dicembre 9, 2019


This article reports the elaboration of a working group that took place within a day of study dedicated to the setting in the contemporary Jungian clinic, held in Naples in April 2018; Two clinical cases are presented through a reading of the peculiar characteristics assumed by the setting during the treatment and of the meaning they have had in the analytic relationship. In the first case, the elaboration of contents related to countertransference is linked to the possibility of introducing elements of the theory of Multifamily Psychoanalysis into an analytically oriented individual work. In the second case, the problem of money and of the meaning it can have within the analytic relationship in a continuous dynamic of trans-fertility and countertransference is placed at the centre of the reflection. Finally, part of the fertile contribution given by the group to the comparison, sharing and clinical reflection is reported


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