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Esperienze e ricerche

No. 50 (2019)

The clinical training group in the experience of the AIPA seat in Milan: Jung and Balint, a possible coniunctio

dicembre 9, 2019


The article talks about Balint Groups (with notes on Balint’s psychoana­lytic theorizing), a training method used by the section of AIPA in Milan for the training in group of its students. Bion’s thoughts on the dynamics of small groups and the theory of basic assumptions, which every group leader must have in mind, is also mentioned. Finally, a link is established between Balint’s attention to the relational aspects of the therapist/patient relationship and Jung's thought focused on the alchemic metaphor to represent the process that involves analyst and patient together.


  1. Balint M. (1939). La forza dell’Io. Pedagogia dell’Io e apprendimento. In: Cremerius I., a cura di, Educazione e psicoanalisi. Torino: Boringhieri, 1971).
  2. Balint M. (1959). Thrills and Regressions. London: Michael and Enid Balint (trad. it. La regressione. Milano: R. Cortina, 1968).
  3. Balint M. (1957). The Doctor, his Patient and the Illness. London: Pitman medical Pub-lishing (trad. it. Medico, paziente e malattia. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1961).
  4. Balint M., Balint E. (1961). Psychotherapeutic Techniques in Medicine. London. Tavistock Publications (trad. it. Tecniche psicoterapiche in medicina. Torino: Einaudi, 1970).
  5. Balint M. (1965). Primary Love and Psycho-analytic Technique. London: Tavistock Pub-lications (trad. it. L’amore primario. Rimini: Guaraldi, 1973).
  6. Balint M. (1965). Primary Love and Psycho-analytic Technique. London: Tavistock Pub-lications (trad. it. L’analisi didattica. Chi psicoanalizzerà gli psicoanalisti? Rimini: Guaraldi, 1974).
  7. Bion W.R. (1961). Experiences in groups and other papers. London: Routledge (trad. it. Esperienze nei gruppi. Roma: Armando, 1971).
  8. Bion W.R. (1966). Dinamica di gruppo: una revisione. In: Klein M., Heimann P., Money-Kyr¬le R., a cura di, Nuove vie della psicoanalisi. Milano: Il saggiatore.
  9. Jung C.G. (1944). Psychologie und Alchemie. (trad. it. Psicologia e alchimia. In: Opere, vol. 12. Torino: Boringhieri, 1981).
  10. Jung C.G. (1946). Die Psychologie der Übertragung (trad. it. La psicologia della trasla-zione. In: Opere, vol. 16. Torino: Boringhieri, 1981).
  11. Jung C.G. (1957-58). Die transzendente Funktion (trad. it. La funzione trascendente. In: Opere, vol. 8. Torino: Boringhieri, 1976).
  12. Jung C.G. (1981). Zwei Schriften über Analytische Psychologie (trad. it. Due testi di psi-cologia analitica. In: Opere, vol. 7. Torino: Boringhieri, 1983).
  13. Sapir M. (1982). La formation psychologique du médicin: a partir de Michael Balint. Paris: Payot (trad. it. La formazione psicologica del medico da Balint a oggi. Milano: Etas Libri, 1975).
  14. Schneider P.B. (1969). Psychologie médicale. Paris: Payot (trad. it. Psicologia medica. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1972).
  15. Winnicott D.W. (1958). Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock Publications (trad. it. Dalla pediatria alla psicoanalisi. Firenze: Martinelli, 1975).


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