No. 50 (2019)
Payment and the symbolic value of money in the analytical practice
Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Analitica (AIPA)
agosto 30, 2019
What does it mean to respond to an analytical rule regarding the use of money and payment management in clinical practice? And with what criteria is it appropriate to establish and apply it? In the full recognition of valid, fewer, technical theoretical contributions, the author takes his steps from two clinical work experiences, to outline and fine-tune the possibility of an approach that consider more aspects in the definition of a "good payment rule" , capable of fostering a dialogue between already validated and generally accepted practices and a more exquisitely Jungian principle, which recognizes the uniqueness of the encounter and the analyst's internal resonance with a valid epistemological framework within which to insert - read and use in symbolic key - criteria, potentialities and limits of rules that are born and evolve with the natural unfolding of the single paths of analysis.
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