No. 50 (2019)
Psychic desertification and transformation: psychotherapy, art and images with a group of women refugees and victims of trafficking
Psicologa, psicoterapeuta, psicodrammatista, membro IAGP
Psicologa, psicoterapeuta espressiva, membro ATI.
agosto 26, 2019
Our article is an extension of the report we held at the "Art and Psyche: Conference IV. The illuminated imagination", organized by IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology), in Santa Barbara last April.
We would like to offer a contribution to the reflection on the evocative and therapeutical power of images, and for this purpose we tried to make clinical practice and theoretical reflection dialogue, starting from the contributions on the subject by C.G.Jung, D. Kalsched, V. Kast and others.
In the exposition there will be descriptive moments, regarding a group experience of expressive psychotherapy (art therapy) with refugee women and victims of trafficking, and moments of reflection on the possibilities that art offers as a common language, which allows to establish immediate relationships, thus becoming an instrument of integration.
The materials, the creative process and the reception gradually restore a sense of control over the events, lost in the trauma: working on one's images offers reparative possibilities, against the disintegrative effects of the traumatic experience.
In this way we overcome the impasse in front of which we find ourselves when we propose an exclusively verbal therapy to people coming from other cultures and bearers of serious suffering.
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