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No. 59 (2024)

Acausal nexus versus the paradigm of intersubjectivity in the explanation of synchronic phenomena

luglio 12, 2024


Jung distinguishes two forms of thought, logical-discursive and through images, which underlie the relationship between the unconscious and consciousness. The work with images assumes a growing importance in his thinking, following his studies on alchemy. These ones combined with the studies on quantum mechanics bring about a unified vision of the world in which the laws of space-time and causality do not apply, but the unity between spirit and matter of the unus mundus. On this basis he interprets the phenomena of synchronicity. In other theoretical systems, projective identification determines the circular interactions present in the mother-child and analyst-patient dyads and is at the origin of the development of thought and of the constitution of the transitional area and of the intersubjective analytic third. Therefore, the explanation of synchronicity phenomena through the hypothesis of acausal links must be compared with the paradigm of intersubjectivity.


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