The galaxy of nonbinary gender identities is one of the frontiers of contemporary psychoanalysis, a rugged terrain on which various theoretical assumptions show their limits. These are fluid, constantly changing worlds, dense with transformative potential for the individuals who live within them, as well as for the clinicians who confront with them.
In the present article, the author questions these concepts through the clinical case of an AFAB (Assigned Female At Birth) adolescent who is considering whether to start a gender transition. Along the way, doubts, questions, and insights emerge that require a radical questioning of premises and definitions. It will therefore require a contamination of cross-cutting expertise, from phenomenology to gender studies, through a Jungian analysis of dreams, as well as an inquiry of archetypical and alchemical symbolism, which confront with each other in search of an access to such modalities of being in the world.
To do so, a new posture is needed, which would not be bound to preconstituted descriptions or to binary and normocentric vertices of observation, hopefully closer to the experience of the lived body and time of such dynamic subjectivities.
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