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No. 58 (2023)

The clinical-empirical research on oneiric narration as a “new analytical practice”

ottobre 21, 2023


The paper takes cue from the current changes occurring in the two emerging sectors named “the green (ecology) and the blue (technology)” by the scholar Floridi on one hand, and from the increasing diffusion of remote communication instruments linked to growing manifestations of psychopathological events of social withdrawal, on the other. While the proliferation of research focused on the increasing incidence of psychological and somatic diseases derived from solitude and loneliness is there for all to see, at the same time it is undeniable that relationships are started and carried on using new media which accentuate both the sense of isolation and omnipotence. These considerations have led the authors to the necessity of contemplating “new analytical practices”. They think that one of the most productive ways of dealing with the exponential growth of serious psychic discomfort – especially in young people – is implementing permanently, in their modus agendi, the complex paradigm of a clinical-empirical research approach on oneiric narration. It is known from Jung indeed, that dreams are not only “the essence of the psyche” but also represent essential instruments to comprehend and treat psychic suffering. Such an approach, first presented in IAAP Conference held in LUMSA in 2022 Narratives in Current Analytical Psychology. Studies about Mind-Body Relations will be described here in full detail.


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