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No. 56 (2022)

The circle that contains everything. Renarration of Baby Observation at the time of the pandemic

ottobre 15, 2022


This article narrates a work team’s experience during the Baby Observation composed by three postgraduate students and their teacher during the psychotherapy training in analytical psychology (AIPA). At a certain point, each of them had to face the historical lockdown due to Covid-19, both individually and in the context of the Baby Observation experience. The pandemic made physically meeting each other impossible, therefore changing the observation’s setting. Going from observing the mother and baby in their natural environment to observing them in the absence of the dyad, the richness of the encounter with images emerging from their inner world became apparent despite moments of loss and disorientation, just as the alchemical phase of nigredo. Observation without the baby generated a completely unedited experience, an opportunity to recover awareness of a deep interconnection beyond reality. After some time, a need arose to reevaluate and share the experience. Even if terminated, their experience continued to flow within them as a living matter, both individually and collectively.


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