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No. 55 (2022)

Vicissitudes of the “clinical case”

luglio 9, 2022


The article aims to illustrate a) The links between the conduct of the analysis and the characteristics of its report (the so-called “clinical case”). The traditional model of conducting the analysis and the corresponding model of writing up the clinical case, both inspired by an observational method in which the detached gaze of the observer plays a central role, are described, and discussed. b) The evolution of analytical practice, which, picking up the legacy of the spirit of Romanticism, has progressively reduced the importance of interpretation in favour of an ever-greater personal involvement of the analyst. c). The difficulties in effectively transcribing the emotional and imaginal experiences perceived in the interaction of analyst and patient. These difficulties refer to the unspeakability of “experiences”, in which a clear distinction between signifier and signified is no more possible. d) The parallelism between the writing of the “clinical case” and translation from one language to another. In both cases, a possible, albeit partial, solution to the difficulties lies in the application of the so-called “construction of comparables” (Ricoeur), which means tending towards an equivalence but not an identity between what happens in analysis and what we write: saying the same thing but in another way, making use of analogy.


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