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No. 54 (2021)

Anorexic closure and “restorations” in the field: A clinical experience

ottobre 30, 2021


The author, in reporting a clinical experience, retraces the therapeutic process reflecting on some events related to the somatic matrix of the analytical couple at work.
The dyadic resonances activated in the field refer back to the implicit psychophysical dynamics of the mother/child dyad, being able to consider some “corporeal phenomena” as the corporeal basis of the transitional phenomena. In this third area the mother must allow herself to be “used” as a facilitating instrument of contact between external and internal reality. The analytical couple found themselves back at work after sixteen years: in the light of today’s clinical experience and recent theorizations on bodily counter-transference, they looked at the analytical field and its dynamism connected to the temporal texture as a new dimension, an intersubjective third space in which surrender to it transforms and alchemies the themes and time of life.


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