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No. 52 (2020): Polis e psiche

Facing the Waves

ottobre 15, 2020


The waves of water and blood over Europe in Jung’s dreams and “visions”, and his decision to face the threats and the unfamiliar they were carrying with them.
The wave of Nazism. The waves of the music from the 1960s, the protests, and the whole diversity represented through the political and cultural changes in Europe and in the world. The wave of globalization and the desire to break down walls.
The waves of the Mediterranean that bring migrants’ boats ashore. The wave of populism and racism which increases the division of the psyche, closes borders and builds walls. Through the “ethical comparison” proposed by Jung as a crucial component of Active Imagination, and through some meaningful images and clips from films by directors as S. Spielberg, C. Nolan, E. Scola and G. Rosi, the Author will try to explore how the individual and collective European psyche has faced the waves since World War II; the same waves that led and still lead us to face and confront ourselves with the unfamiliar.


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  2. Guggenbühl-Craig A. (1992). Vom Guten des Bosen. Uber das Paradoxe in der Psychologie. Zürich: Sfwizer Spiegel (trad. it. Il bene del male. Paradossi del senso comune. Bergamo: Moretti & Vitali, 1998).
  3. Humbert E.G. (1994). L’homme aux prises avec l’incoscient: reflexions sur l’approche jungienne. Paris: Albin Michel (trad. it. L’uomo alle prese con l’inconscio. Milano: Vivarium, 1998).
  4. Jung C.G. (1961). Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken von C.G. Jung. Zürich: Rascher (trad. it. Ricordi, sogni, riflessioni di C.G. Jung, raccolti ed editi da Aniela Jaffé. Milano: Il Saggiatore, 1965).
  5. Jung C.G. (1964). Man and his Symbols. New York: Doubleday (trad. it. L’uomo e i suoi simboli. Milano: R. Cortina, 1983).
  6. Kalsched D. (1996). The Inner World of Trauma. Archetypical Defenses of the Personal Spirit. London and New York: Routledge (trad. it. Il mondo interiore del trauma. Bergamo: Moretti & Vitali, 2014).
  7. Liebscher M., ed., (2015). Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence between C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  8. Papadopoulos R. (2016). Challenging the current refugee discourse. In:
  9. Saban M. (2016). Jung, Winnicott and the Divided Psyche. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 61, 3: 329-349. DOI: 10.1111/1468-5922.12225.
  10. Samuels A (1993). “The Lion and the Fox: Morality, Trickster and Political Transformation”. In: The Political Psyche. London: Routledge Mental Health Classic Editions.
  11. Samuels A. (2018). Forum Analysis and Activism, post of 20 May 2018.
  12. Tozzi C. (2009). Doodlopende steeg. Una via Mozza. In: Giro d’Italia. Van gewest tot gewest. Amsterdam: Stichting Bonardi (trad. it. Una via Mozza. In: ConDividere. Milano: Laurana).
  13. Tozzi C. (2007). Il paziente sceneggiatore. Roma: Gaffi.
  14. Tozzi C. (2008). Quasi una vita. Milano: Feltrinelli.
  15. Videoclip tratte da:
  16. Cabaret, di Bob Fosse, 1972
  17. Schindler’s List, di Steven Spielberg, 1993
  18. The Dreamers, di Bernardo Bertolucci, 2003
  19. Mad Men (TV Series) di Matthew Wiener, 7th Season, 2015
  20. Goodbye Lenin, di Wolfgang Becker Stars, 1990
  21. Fuocammare, di Franco Rosi, 2016
  22. 1943-1997, di Ettore Scola, 1997


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