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N. 296 (2021): Italia Contemporanea - Sezione Open Access "In rete"

Esperienze detentive e scale della storia, tra paradigmi globali e contesti nazionali. Riflessioni su alcuni recenti contributi storiografici

  • Anthony Santilli
28 luglio 2021


I contributi presi in esame permettono di riflettere su come la più recente storiografia sulle pratiche detentive, con particolare attenzione all’internamento civile, si è confrontata con il cosiddetto global turn e al contempo con il tema delle scale nella storia. Attraverso lo studio di una serie di indicatori presenti nelle opere selezionate l’autore sostiene che i più significativi avanzamenti in termini storiografici non dipendano tanto dalla scelta tra le tradizionali questioni binomie — micro/macro, locale/globale — quanto dall’adozione di un approccio microsociologico teso a evitare la reificazione tanto delle categorie di analisi quanto delle periodizzazioni, attraverso una prospettiva mai statica.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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  2. Anderson Clare (2016), Transnational Histories of Penal Transportation: Punishment, Labour and Governance in the British Imperial World, 1788–1939, “Australian Historical Studies”, n. 47-3, pp. 381-39.
  3. Anderson Clare (2016), Convicts, Carcerality and Cape Colony Connections in the 19th Century, “Journal of Southern African Studies”, n. 42-3, pp. 429-442.
  4. Anderson Clare (a cura di) (2018), A global history of Convicts and Penal colonies, London-New York, Bloomsbury.
  5. Badcock Sarah, Pallot Judith (2018), Russia and the Soviet Union from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century, in Clare Anderson (a cura di), A global history of Convicts and Penal colonies, London-New York, Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 271-306.
  6. Berger Stefan (2005), A Return to the National Paradigm? National History Writing in Germany, Italy, France and Britain from 1945 to the Present, “Journal of Modern History”, v. 77, n. 3, pp. 629–78.
  7. Brubaker Rogers (1996), Nationalism Reframed: Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  8. Caglioti, Daniela L. (2013), Waging War on Civilians: The Expulsion of Aliens in the Franco-Prussian War, “Past and Present”, 221, pp. 161–95.
  9. Caglioti Daniela L. (2019), Enemy Aliens and Colonial Subjects: Confinement and Internment in Italy, 1911–19, in Stefan Manz, Panikos Panayi, Matthew Stibbe (a cura di), Internment during the First World War: A Mass Global Phenomenon, New York-Oxon, Routledge, 2019, p. 127. p. 125–144.
  10. Capogreco Carlo Spartaco (2019), Mussolini’s Camps. Civilian Internment in Fascist Italy 1940-1943, New York, Routledge.
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  14. Chakrabarty Dipesh (2000), Provincialing Europe: Post-Colonial Thought and Historical Difference, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  15. Clavin Patricia (2010), Time, Manner, Place: Writing Modern European History in Global, Transnational and International Contexts, “European History Quarterly”, 40-4, pp. 624–40.
  16. Comstock Sandra Curtis, 2012, Incorporating Comparisons in the Rift. Making Use of Cross-Place Events and Histories in Moments of World Historical Change, in Anna Amelina e al. (a cura di), Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Social Science Research Methodologies in Transition, London-New York, Routledge, pp. 176–197.
  17. De Vito Christian G. (2015), Verso una microstoria translocale (micro-spatial history), “Quaderni storici, Rivista quadrimestrale”, 3, pp. 815-833.
  18. De Vito Christian G., Gerritsen Anne (2018), Micro-Spatial Histories of Labour: Towards a New Global History, in Christian G. De Vito, Anne Gerritsen (a cura di), Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-28.
  19. De Vito Christian (2019), History without Scale: the micro-spatial perspective, “Past and Present”, suppl. 114, pp. 348-372.
  20. De Vries Jan (2019), Playing with Scales: The Global and the Micro, the Macro and the Nano, “Past and Present”, suppl. 114, pp. 23-36.
  21. Douki, Caroline, Minard, Philippe (2007), Histoire globale, histoires connectées : un changement d’échelle historiographique ?, “Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine”, 54 bis, 2007/5, pp. 7-21.
  22. Epple Angelika (2012), The Global, the Transnational and the Subaltern. The Limits of History beyond the National Paradigm, in Amelina Anna e al. (a cura di), Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Social Science Research Methodologies in Transition, London-New York, Routledge, pp. 155-175.
  23. Focardi, Filippo (2013), Il cattivo tedesco e il bravo italiano: la rimozione delle colpe della seconda guerra mondiale, Roma, Laterza.
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  25. Foucault Michel (1975), Surveiller et punir. Naissance de la prison, Paris, Gallimard.
  26. Ghobrial John-Paul A. (2019), Introduction: Seeing the World like a Microhistorian, “Past and Present”, suppl. 114, pp. 1-22.
  27. Gribaudi, Maurizio (1996), Echelle, pertinence, configuration, in Revel Jacques (a cura di), Jeux d'échelles : la micro-analyse à l'expérience. Paris, Gallimard-Le Seuil, pp. 113-139.
  28. Manz Stefan, Panayi Panikos, Stibbe Matthew (a cura di) (2019), Internment during the First World War: A Mass Global Phenomenon, New York-Oxon, Routledge.
  29. Panayi Panikos (2012), Prisoners of Britain: German civilian and combatant internees during the First World War, Manchester, Manchester University Press.
  30. Poesio Camilla (2011), Il confino fascista : l'arma silenziosa del regime, Roma, Laterza.
  31. Proctor Tammy M. (2010), Civilians in a World at War, 1914-1918, New York, New York University Press.
  32. Radhika Mongia (2012), Interrogating Critics on Methodological Nationalism. Propositions for New Methodologies, in Amelina, Anna e al. (a cura di), Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Social Science Research Methodologies in Transition, London-New York, Routledge, pp. 198-215.
  33. Rousset David (1946), L’univers concentrationnaire, Paris, Editions du Pavois.
  34. Scheipers Sibylle (2015), The Use of Concentration Camps in Colonial Warfare, “Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History”, n. 43-4, pp. 678–698.
  35. Stibbe Matthew (2014), Enemy Aliens, Deportees, Refugees: Internment Practices in the Habsburg Empire, 1914–1918, “Journal of Modern European History”, 12-4, pp. 477-499.
  36. Stibbe Matthew (2019), Civilian internment during the First World War. A European and Global History, 1914-1920, London, Palgrave Macmillan.
  37. Stoler Ann Laura (2009), Along the Archival Grain. Epistemic Anxieties and Colonial Commonsense, Princeton-Oxford, Princeton University Press.
  38. Stoler Ann Laura (2018), Colony, in John M. Bernstein, Adi Ophir, Ann Laura Stoler (a cura di), Political Concepts: A Critical Lexicon, New York, Fordham University Press, pp. 45-58.
  39. Subrahmanyam Sanjay (1997), Connected Histories: notes towards a reconfiguration of Early Modern Eurasia, “Modern Asian Studies”, 31/3, pp. 735-762.
  40. Subrahmanyam Sanjay (2007), Historicizing the Global, or Labouring for Invention?, “History Workshop Journal”, 64-1, pp. 329-334.
  41. Francesca Trivellato (2011), Microstoria, storia del mondo e storia globale, in Paola Lanaro (a cura di), Microstoria: a venticinque anni da L'eredità immateriale, Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 119-131.
  42. Wimmer Andreas, Schiller Nina G. (2003), Methodological Nationalism, the Social Sciences, and the Study of Migration: An Essay in Historical Epistemology, “International Migration Review”, v. 37, n. 3, pp. 576–610.


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