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No. 2 (2024)

The construction of the ‘research problem’ in the doctoral path-way between material and immaterial constraints

dicembre 11, 2024


The contribution aims to offer a reflection on the process of constructing the research object, drawing from the experience of an industrial doctoral program. The underlying idea of the article is to explore the social and situated nature of the process of defining the research object and problem. This process is often attributed solely to the ‘intuition’ or ‘inventive ability’ of the individual researcher/doctoral student. By utilizing Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, this essay seeks to understand how and in what ways the research object emerges as the outcome of a complex negotiation among actors and socio-material variables: a) actors – academic supervisors, the doctoral student, and organizational stakeholders; b) contexts – academia and the organization; c) material and conceptual artifacts involved in the process.


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