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No. 2 (2024)

Early intervention and literacy learning: A survey on teachers’ perceptions

ottobre 24, 2024


Studies on emergent literacy provide a theoretical-conceptual perspective useful for rethinking literacy learning as a process that can be stimulated through early intervention programs. Educational policies also emphasize the importance of early intervention, assigning teachers the responsibility of creating learning environments that support the development of prerequisites and prevent learning difficulties in students’ functioning profiles. Given these considerations, it is necessary to understand the conditions for implementing early interventions that consider both the specific needs of each student and the variables that influence educational contexts.

This study is part of a larger action-research project aimed at the professional development of preschool and primary school teachers through the co-design of an early intervention program. Using focus groups to explore and analyze participants' perceptions, contextual and personal factors that can facilitate or hinder the implementation of such a program were identified and analyzed. The results provide a summary of the main dimensions identified, highlighting the need to design training programs that support the needs and difficulties identified by the teachers.


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