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No. 1 (2024)

Intersectionality or transindividuality? Power, tokenism, and con-flict from a critical pedagogy perspective

agosto 5, 2024


The contribution addresses the issue of intersectionality according to critical pedagogy guidelines, highlighting the conflicting dimension underlying the intersectional perspective itself. Through the examination of the concept of ‘token’, it critically emphasizes the homology between sexism/racism and interpersonal relationships. For this purpose, the concept of transindividuality, with its theoretical corollaries found in the concepts of conjuncture and differential temporality, allows to highlight the institutional and ritual dimension that runs through and underlies such relationships in pedagogical discourse and educational practices. It also allows to find in the relationship between field educational work and its translation into the academic sphere a temporal discrepancy that can take on very different forms of encounter and conjunction. From a methodological and procedural perspective, the practices presented here, in their articulation, of pedagogical supervision and autoethnography, allow to critically and clinically recover the effects of power relations and the regulatory dimension within different educational institutions, as well as in the intersection between them and the informal dimension of educational events, highlighting their effects on the bodily and symbolic dimensions that run through and equally modify educational spaces and the different times of which they are composed. The thesis of the contribution, therefore, relates to the non-contemporaneity between educational work and academic pedagogy, as well as to the lack of homology between power relations and interpersonal relationships, in order to explore the possibility of authentic educational encounters even in their constitutive conflictuality and beyond the risks of tokenism and exclusion, which, from the perspective of gender as well as intercultural relations, represent one of the possible areas of latency.


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